You can expect to be greeted as a welcome guest when you come to St. Peter’s. The congregation truly believes in seeing Christ in all people and extending hospitality to all who come. We know worship in the Episcopal Church can be a little challenging for those who are new to it so we try to make our worship easy to follow with our bulletin. Don’t worry if it feels a little awkward at first – we’ve all been new to this at some point in our lives!
When you arrive, come up the drive and bear to the left. The handicap parking is the first small lot on your right and there is a ramp into the church from that lot. The general parking is behind the church and around the right side.
If you arrive before the worship begins, you can enter from:
If you arrive after the worship begins and you want to enter from the back of the church, enter the double doors from the main parking area and go straight through the hallway, turning left at the stairs and go down to St. Joseph’s Hall. Walk to the rear of St. Joseph’s Hall and up the stairs into the rear of the church.
Children are natural mystics. That’s probably why Jesus told us we had to become like children to enter the Kingdom of God. Because of this, children are welcome and encouraged to be at mass with us because this is how they learn to “do liturgy.”
There is a special area for children so that they can engage in activities during worship. Our parents have said again and again that they enjoy having their children with them during the service, so we have made space for that!
St. Peter’s is a casual atmosphere in spite of our traditional worship style. If you want to dress up, by all means do. If you want to come dressed casually, that’s fine too. After all, Jesus basically wore a toga and sandals, so if he could dress casually so can his friends.
We are an affirming parish in the Diocese of Maryland and a BelieveOutLoud congregation. As such we affirm God’s belovedness of our LGBTQIA+ family. You are fully welcome here – no exceptions, including receiving the sacrament, serving in all levels of leadership and life of our parish.
Feel free to let us know your pronouns and if we get it wrong, please let us know! We are firmly committed to living into our baptismal vows of “seeking and serving Christ in all persons” and “loving our neighbors as ourselves.” As such we hope you will find a spiritual home here where you can be fully who you are and discover the vocation God has for you.
We believe people who marry have every intention of being together “until we are parted by death.” But we also know our human frailties and how hard living into vows can be. We know there are many reasons marriages break down and very good reasons they must end in order for healing to occur. Being divorced is no reason for the Church to separate you from the grace received in the Sacraments – in fact, it is a time when you need that grace even more. St. Peter’s welcomes you to receive the Eucharist here. All who are baptized are welcome to the Table, and if you aren't yet baptized, let's talk!
Come and participate to the extent you feel comfortable. We have a saying in the Episcopal Church: All may, some should, none must. That means all are invited to participate, some really should as the Spirit moves them, but no one must. There’s a relaxed welcome and no pressure here. And if you aren't sure, just ask! We look forward to accompanying you on your spiritual journey, as we believe God is always at work in and around us.