Wednesday Healing Eucharist at 12noon in St. Luke’s Chapel
Fr. Derek will be presiding and offer prayers for healing/anointing. Confession/Rite of Reconciliation is available beforehand from 11:15-11:45am (please send a note to Fr. Derek to sign up ahead of time).
Wednesday Evening Compline and Conversation 8:30pm (Zoom-only)
Join us to pray our compline service and have brief conversation each Wednesday in Lent (starting Feb 21). Zoom link will be made available in the weekly net or by request. Email for details.
Sunday Book Study (following Holy Eucharist)
“Will You?" Lent Book Study Starts Sunday, February 18th
Join us after grabbing something at coffee hour in St. Luke's Chapel as we go through this book about our baptismal promises. This five-week study includes daily reflections, examples of evangelism in action, and an invitation to think about how we can better fulfill our covenant as a community. Books are available for reserve/purchase for $10 from the church office. Email to get your copy.
Friday Stations of the Cross and Soup/Discussion 6:30pm
Gather in the nave of the church for this lay-led time of prayer and reflections to be followed by a light soup dinner and discussion.